Public art scheme for Woodside Link Road, Houghton Regis, consisting of audio-visual compositions Anthem For The Road and March Of The Pedestrian presented as painted sound-waves on the infrastructure of the road and a third audio composition Woodland Chorus. The scheme also includes a new community orchard, with orchard fruit recipes on the picnic tables and free standing text piece. The three sound compositions are created by Marcus Leadley using local field recordings, some of which were contributed by residents living either side of the road. The sound compositions were made available by a month-long FM radio broadcast and free CD’s, permanent roadside listening post and audio download.
Commissioned by Central Bedfordshire County Council/Amey
Driving along Anthem Of The Road on Woodside Link (A5505)

March Of The Pedestrian, 120m., paint on retaining wall, audio, listening post, audio composition, 2017

Live Neutral Earth community orchard with apple, pear, cherry, plum, mulberry trees and fruit bushes, 2017