like this.) I am more I am more like this.)…
A World To Come is an installation consisting of a…
Near Holme, Call Your Home Poetic invited all households at the…
Public art scheme for Woodside Link Road, Houghton Regis, consisting…
HIGHST was commissioned by Bedford Creative Arts on behalf of…
Het Huis Des Levens is a carved Portland stone monument…
Glass entrance screen, library doors and Courtroom Two screen for…
Intervention and text-based work with pupils from Millbank Primary, commissioned…
Letchworth Centenary Art Commission Steel and copper structure, light, signs,…
Mild steel laser cut panels with text, and a mural…
Six cast concrete tables and six seats, with text donated…
Two sets of 3 modular seats in White Mansfield stone…
Seven granite bollards with famous film quotes, (outside Virgin Cinemas)…
The text for this cast iron bridge parapet in Church…
State of Rock, four curved benches in cast Coade stone,…